Wednesday, October 26, 2011

mothers meeting

So the travels have finally begun and I’m having a blast.
We’ve been in Vietnam for one week now and I’m feeling surprising relaxed and rejuvenated. I’ve given myself a ban on technology, so I’m only checking emails and uploading photos once per week. This is my endeavour to try and live in the moment and stay focused on the now.
So the journey started with our arrival into Ho chi minh airport. We waited around a few hours for Jodie to arrive and then it was off to the BIG city. AMAZING!!!!! I had been told about the motor bikes in Vietnam, but I don’t think anything can prepare you for the madness. The roads were chocka block with bikes, going in every direction. People cutting one another  off and the cars, trucks and vans pushing their way through the swarms of bikes.
It really is surprising that you don’t see 10 man pile ups on the roads, but you come to realise very quickly there the people are very much in turn with one another. The roads move in a continues rhythm and the locals just get on with it.
 Crossing the roads is pretty much the same. There is no way to wait for the traffic clear. You simple have to walk slowly into the road and allow the bikes and cars to weave around you.

So the first week has been full of excitement we‘ve met load of people and even picked up another travel parent named Paul. You’ll spot is face in a few of the picture very funny bloke and very easy going. Another gay to add to the pack!!! We had the funniest experience yesterday when the locals ladies selling goods on the beach tried to sell him a lady boy!!!!  
“Come on by some cigarettes from me”  
No I don’t need anything
“What do you need? You like girls?”
Chris jumps and say lets them know his man’s man, and the it was on for young on old
“Ahh you like boys?. I have very handsome man for you. Look over there this is my brother”
No I don’t need a boy
Ahh you like lady boy, I find lady by for you, maybe 30mins. Very nice lady boy for you?”

This is all happening whist he has two women sitting on his lounger and one sitting on the floor in front of him. Absolutely hilarious.   I’ve never to laugh so much.
 We spend good 30min chatting after that. It was like have a mothers meeting with the locals. “Truly funny experience”
We’ll the Journey continues!!!!!  So I’ll keep you posted as we move forward. Let hope I got a little better at this blogging malarkey as time goes by. pmsl I’ve update facebook with all the picture taken so far and as they say a picture tells a thousand words.

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